To Think of Beautiful Things
Andrew Gurman
18 April–5 May 2024

To Think of Beautiful Things is a poignant series of mixed media works that delves into the depths of our own unraveling. It speaks to the essence of absence, dissolution, and the ephemeral nature of existence—capturing the delicate interplay between memory and loss, between the fleeting touch of a hand and the final exhale.

Inspired by the profound experience of accompanying my father through his journey towards the end of life, these artworks emerged as a visceral response to grief and holding space for the inevitable.

Each piece is imbued with the raw emotions of mourning and the tender beauty that surfaces from the depths of sorrow.

The resulting artworks serve as a moving testament to the bittersweet beauty of transition. They capture the transformative essence of dissolution and renewal, inviting viewers to journey through the liminal spaces where grief gives way to rebirth. In Andrew's art, we find ourselves immersed in another world—a world where smouldering ashes coexist with the majestic promise of new beginnings.

Please join us for a drink to celebrate the opening of To Think of Beautiful Things on Friday 19 April (6–8PM).

exhibition collection