Bolen's Way
Janette Dadd
9–26 May 2024

Janette Dadd’s exhibition Bolen’s Way, is taken from a larger series, exhibited in 2023. That series (made up of Goddesses, their floral emblem, and portraiture) celebrated females surviving trauma. The seven Goddesses of Dadd’s presentation are interpretations of the Goddess Archetypes Jean Shinoda Bolen uses in her psychotherapy practice.

Six works incorporate ink flooding and collage. The ink flooding represents how individuals are shaped by external factors. Use of collage indicates the deconstruction of behavioural responses required to follow a pathway from trauma.

The feature work, The Alchemist - Aphrodite, is a hand coloured linocut. The marks of the print represent strength, and a powerful acceptance of a self, deserving of and capable of giving love.

The Virgin Goddesses depict personalities that display autonomy, but are cold and lacking empathy. The Vulnerable Goddesses represent those who define themselves through interpersonal relationships but lack personal autonomy.

All works have the floral emblem incorporated and indications of the Goddesses’ personality are in the collage work. Snakes represent autonomy of action and thought.

If you are interested in previewing your Goddess profile, a questionnaire is available on:

What’s Your Goddess Archetype

Please join us for a drink to celebrate the opening of Bolen's Way on Friday 10 May (6–8PM).

exhibition collection