5–20 December

Painting and drawing is a series of work about perception, process and play. The exhibition features more than 40 artworks created over the course of the last 12 months.

The works start with the simple act of drawing – of responding as directly and simply as possible to the experience of looking.

Each of the paintings in the exhibition has been painted from drawings and sketches done in locations across Melbourne and Victoria, including the artist's studio in Coburg, Merri Creek, gardens in the city and Wilsons Promontory.

These drawings – done on site - provide a rich record of experiential information to mine and work from and transfigure into a painting.

 This approach also provides a process to explore and play with the formal elements and framework of painting–activating the surface, flattening or deepening space, playing with the illusory plane, colour and how it can be used to describe form, working within the four sides of the picture, scale–and trying to wrestle with all of these elements to create a compelling and authentic image.

Underpinning all of these works is the desire to make real and tangible what the artist sees, what he wants to see and what he can imagine. This is the perennial challenge of these works, but also of all painting and art.

exhibition collection