amy wright

Amy Wright
"Essential to my practice is my immersion into the landscape. A desire to breath in the space, be aware of the sensations of my surroundings and unearth the details, textures and patterns that emerge through exploration. I’m intrinsically interested in the unseen, or unnoticed, often undesirable aspects of a garden or landscape. The untamed areas where nature has returned to its authentic rudimentary state."
Working in mixed mediums, Amy Wright takes a similar approach to building an artwork; collaging together textures, patterns and colours through the use of varied surfaces and mark making techniques, to create tactile and visceral depictions of the natural environment–seeking to capture the essence of the whole, more so than the need to document the actuality. Wright's hope is for her work to encourage a personal response, unique to each viewer, sparking a personal memory and sensation of familiarity for our natural world.


30 MAY–16 JUN 2024

Riverside landscapes, lush overgrown thickets and undisturbed natural settings provide the backdrop forLeave No Shadow, Amy Wright’s second exhibition with Brunswick Street Gallery.